Very grateful for this today as I’m facing a similar decision.

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Thank you so much - good luck with your decision <3

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“My capacity for work, or even basic tasks of daily living, and the impact they have on my ability to function has changed. So, after stubbornly clinging to some of my own projects for my own sense of wellbeing, it finally hit me that I need to respect my need to stop, rest, and recover.”

Oh my goodness, this right here.

I so hear you and I so appreciate the words you wrap around it. Or maybe just seeing you put it in print! Whichever. It’s helpful.

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“And so, I’ve taken the decision to take a break from The Rest Room. And from all of my work, for the foreseeable future. To take time to explore convalescence on my own terms.”

Wishing you all good things with this brave decision, my friend. So grateful for you and this space you’ve created.

But it really wouldn’t be a “Rest Room” without resting actually taking place, would it. *sigh* So much for having and eating our cake at the same time!


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Thank you so much!

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Well that one hit hard. I have a lot of thinking about this episode to do now. Probably a relisten with note taking too. Thank you for everything Natasha.

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This was linked in this weeks Crip News https://open.substack.com/pub/cripnews/p/crip-news-v69

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Hi Natasha. Well done for taking this decision. I listened to the podcast today and found it very useful. I too have paused my Substack for a while because it isn't wise for me to produce a weekly article right now. I'm finding my way in changing circumstances. I've learnt so much from you and your guests on recent podcasts. I love your upbeat style where you find hope as well as be honest about your own circumstances. Let's keep gently plodding in our own sweet way. Lots of love xx

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Best of luck. I had to write about COVID-19 while suffering from Long COVID and it is extremely difficult. Thank you for everything you've done.

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