The Rest Room
The Rest Room
How accessible is theatre for disabled people?

How accessible is theatre for disabled people?

Many theatres were built hundreds of years ago, without accessibility in mind. It’s true that a lot has changed in recent years, but disabled people still face many barriers both off and on stage.

In this episode, we speak to access consultant and activist Shona Louise about the work she’s doing to drive real change in the industry. We also hear from actor, singer and radio presenter Sandra Gayer about her experience of accessibility as a performer.

So whether you’re a disabled person who wishes trips to the theatre were easier, or you work in the industry and want to know what changes you can make to improve accessibility, this episode is for you.

You can read the transcript here:

Read Shona’s Open Letter here:

Here’s more information about Sandra’s work:

And here’s where you can catch her in the TV series Inside No. 9:

Thanks to The Old Vic for sponsoring this podcast. You can learn more about their upcoming production of A Christmas Carol and their Access Scheme:

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If you'd like to dive deeper into any of the research I've highlighted in this episode, check out the links below.

And here’s some access information for theatres in London.

The Rest Room
The Rest Room
Welcome to The Rest Room: a place to explore what it means to live (and live well) with chronic illness.